"OMG" Campaign to Curb Distraction-Related Car Accidents in Modesto, Nation

According to California Causality , half of all teenage drivers admit to text while driving. Texting at the wheel increases their risks for a car accident in Modesto and elsewhere by nearly 25 percent. California Causality has been pushing for more teen driver education for quite some time now. Teenagers face some of the most severe risks for an accident on our roadways. Many organizations continue to share concern regarding the safety of these young drivers. Our Modesto teen car accident attorneys would like to tell you about a new campaign, "OMG," that was recently launched by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). The "OMG" campaign is made up of two public service announcements (PSAs) that will be airing at roughly 550 Regal Cinema movie theaters across the country, on 12,000 pump-top screens owned that as well as on the Distraction.gov website all through December. "Teen drivers are particularly vulnerable to distrac...