City Officials Warn of Heat Injuries in Modesto during Summer


We've been experiencing temps in the mid to upper 90s for quite some time now.

With the summer come high temps as well as risks for heatstroke and other heat-related injuries in Modesto and elsewhere. For that reason, officials with the City of Modesto are working to raise awareness about these conditions and these injuries.

Officials with the City of Modesto have even teamed up with those at the Modesto Regional Fire Authority and a number of other agencies to help to monitor any changes in the weather and to relay the information to residents. Lawyer office in Pennsylvania. As of now, the National Weather Service has not issued any Excessive Heat Outlooks, Warnings or Watches for the state, but that could change any day. Currently, there are no plans to open cooling centers. It's important to remember though that that could quickly change. City officials remind residents that now is the perfect time to freshen up your hot weather safety know-how.

Injuries from the heat can occur to a child left in a hot car, or at youth sporting events or on the job site. Take care to avoid the heat and make sure those in your care are doing the same.

Our Modesto personal injury attorneys understand that with the heat comes increased risks for child injury, too. In 2011, there were more than 30 kids under the age of 14 who were killed after they were left inside of a hot car. Some of these accidents are committed by the most loving and caring parents. Others occur at daycare centers or schools. Heatstroke is number one cause of non-crash, vehicle-related deaths for this young age group. To help to raise awareness with the City of Modesto, officials with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) have joined forced with Safe Kids Worldwide.

Throughout the entire month, officials will be conducting events nationwide to help to clear up the confusion about these kinds of accidents and to offer preventive tips to help to avoid these injuries and fatalities.

"We're working to get the message out to families with young children to take basic precautions to ensure a heatstroke tragedy never happens to them," said Ray LaHood with the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT).

The recent partnership between the NHTSA and Safe Kids Worldwide is being used to build on the NHTSA's campaign, "Where's baby? Look before you lock."

Nearly 550 children have died because of vehicular heatstroke since 1998. Most of these fatalities were of children who were under the age of 4.

Parents, guardians and childcare providers are urged to check the entire car before getting out and locking up. Keep an eye on vehicles near you. If you see a child alone in a car, call local authorities. It's not wise to keep children in a car alone with the windows cracked and the air conditioning on. The same rules apply for pets. Remember that it only takes less than 10 minutes for a child's body to heat up to dangerously hot and deadly temps.


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