Drunk Driving Accidents in Modesto a Leading Summer Threat

 In a recent drunk driving car accident in Modesto, a local police officer was injured after his car was hit from behind by driver suspected of being under the influence of alcohol. Just after midnight, the officer was stopped at a red light on Standiford Avenue and Sisk Road when he was rear ended by the suspect, according to the Modesto Bee.

The driver was arrested for driving on a suspended license and on suspicion of driving under the influence.

Our Modesto accident attorneys understand that about third of all fatal car accidents involve a drunk driver. According to the recently-released statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 10,230 people who were killed in alcohol-related car accidents in California and elsewhere in 2010. These kinds of accidents and every single one of these fatalities are preventable. In addition, there were hundreds of thousands more who were injured in these crashes.

California ranked in at second place for having the most alcohol-related accident fatalities throughout the year. During this time, there were more than 920 people who were killed in these accidents in our state. Best lawyers help in Pennsylvania. These accidents accounted for more than a third of all roadway fatalities. What's most alarming about these deaths is that they were avoidable. Each and every drunk driving accident could have been avoided. There are a number of preventative measures that can be taken to avoid this kind of accident. You can:

-Designate a sober driver before you leave your house.

-Call a cab.

-Take public transit.

-Call a family member or a friend to come get you.

-Stay at a family member or a friend's home.

Drivers are asked to be careful out there during the weekends and during the evening hours. These are the times when you're most likely to be involved in one of these accidents. As a matter of fact, the rate of alcohol impairment among drivers involved in fatal crashes in 2010 was four times higher at night than during the day.

If you think you've spotted a drunk driver, California State Police urge you to report them to the local authorities. Here are some tips on how to do so:

-Call 911 and tell them that you would like to report a drunk driver. You're not obligated to give your name.

-Give them the exact location of the vehicle, including the name of the road or cross street and the direction the vehicle's driving.

-Give the dispatcher a complete description of the vehicle, including make, model, color, plate number if possible and a description of the driver if you can.

-Never follow or try to stop the suspected drunk driver. Leave that to the professionals.


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