Modesto Police Department Join Fight to Decrease Risk of Modesto Car Accidents
Police will be out in full force this Memorial Day holiday weekend in an attempt to decrease risks of a car accident in Modesto. The Modesto Police Department Traffic Unit will be out on our roadways to conduct DUI and Driver's License checkpoints at a number of undisclosed locations. There will also be a special DUI Roving Saturation patrol during the upcoming holiday weekend, according to The City Of Modesto.
Our Modesto injury attorneys urge all motorists to practice caution on our roadways over this Memorial Day weekend. The city of Modesto has seen nearly 400 drunk driving accidents that have resulted in 6 fatalities and nearly 400 injuries over the course of the last 3 years. This holiday weekend brings an increased risk of serious and fatal accidents.
Overall traffic fatalities declined by more than 20 percent throughout the entire state of California during the past few years. The state saw a decrease from 3,995 fatalities in 2007 to 3,081 fatalities in 2009. Alcohol impaired traffic deaths made up the largest category of vehicle fatalities in 2009. More than 30 percent of all traffic fatalities were caused by a drunk driver.
These Memorial Day enforcement efforts are made possible through grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Officers would like to remind you that a DUI arrest can cost up to $10,000, time in jail, skyrocketing insurance and the loss of your driver's license.
The National Safety Council reports that the rest of the United States will be upping its enforcement this weekend to help prevent deadly vehicle accidents as well. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will be running their "Click It or Ticket" campaign through the entire weekend.
This campaign will also run through the first week of June. The "Click It or Ticket" campaign has been proven to be the most successful seat belt enforcement campaign ever. Statistics show that the campaign has contributed to the highest national seat belt usage rate - nearly 90 percent. Law enforcement agencies will be enforcing their zero-tolerance enforcement practices of all seat belt laws across the country throughout the campaign.
The NSC estimates that more than 300 people may survive the Memorial Day holiday weekend because they will have been wearing their seat belts. They also estimate that another 103 lives could be saved if everyone wore their seat belts.
A complete list of Memorial Day events in Modesto can be found on the Modesto Bee website.
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