Highway 108 a Dangerous Place for Modesto Pedestrian Accidents

The Modesto Bee is reporting a disturbing trend of pedestrians being hit on Highway 108. The roadway claimed another victim last month, which now puts the total at 17 in just over a year. Our Modesto personal injury lawyers know that California leads the nation in pedestrian accidents. Law enforcement will be beefing up patrols and will issue tickets to both drivers and pedestrians. Drivers will get a $243 ticket for not stopping for people in the crosswalk and pedestrians will be issued a $203 ticket for walking in front of cars. The police plan on using pedestrian decoys to see if vehicles will stop at crosswalks. We recently reported on our Modesto Injury Lawyer Blog about the high rate of pedestrian accidents in Stockton, Modesto and the surrounding areas. The Governors Highway Safety Associations Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State reports that California had 563 pedestrian deaths in 2009. For the first 6 months of 2010 we h...